About Us

The Catholic Gene was founded by a diverse group of friends who share two common things: a love for both genealogical research and the Roman Catholic faith.  Most of the authors were “born Catholic”. Some came to the faith later in life.  Some aren’t actually Catholic but appreciate the faith as much as the rest of us.  We hope that this blog will provide readers with useful information about the Catholic faith and genealogy.

The Catholic Gene’s mission is to present various aspects of the faith of our fathers…and mothers.  But we’re genealogists at heart, so we’ll present the faith as seen through the eyes of a family historian.  Whether it’s details about ecclesiastical archives, profiles of religious, our ancestors’ churches, vintage photographs, personal reflections, or lives of the saints in genealogical records, The Catholic Gene will offer something for everyone interested in researching their Roman Catholic family or learning more about all things related to the Church.

16 thoughts on “About Us”

  1. Well, I’m not Catholic, but in researching my family history, I don’t know what I’d do without the Catholic Church’s records and documents to help me out! What a great idea for a blog! Best wishes to all of you as you start this new venture.

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jacqi. Our hope is to provide resources for all of those doing Catholic genealogical research – both Catholics and non-Catholics that are digging into its history and its historical records for genealogical purposes. We hope you’ll find many articles to be of interest. Please visit often!

  2. Wanda D. Mercier said:

    I’m assuming you are a Roman Catholic inspired site. Please be reminded there are other valid Catholic churches. I am a member of the Polish National Catholic Church, as well as a member of the Polish Geneological Society ot Conn. and the Northeast. –Look forward to info from your site.

    • Welcome, Wanda, and thanks for your comment. We hope to cover a wide variety of topics related to Catholic genealogy. Hopefully you will find many that are helpful and interesting. Thanks for visiting!

  3. Hello there!

    You’ve got a great genealogy blog and we’ve added it to the list of close to 2,000 genealogy blogs at GeneaBloggers (http://www.geneabloggers.com/).

    We will announce your blog in our weekly New Genealogy Blogs on Saturday, September 10, 2011. In the meantime, please visit the About (http://www.geneabloggers.com/about/) section at GeneaBloggers to learn how you can display your GeneaBloggers badge on your blog and also how you can participate in activities such as the Daily Blogging Prompts. If you need technical assistance, please check out Bootcamp for GeneaBloggers (http://fbbootcamp.blogspot.com).

    Don’t forget to tune in to GeneaBloggers Radio – a live 90-minute show each Friday evening!http://www.blogtalkradio.com/geneabloggers/


  4. Excellent site!!! I wrote a letter last year to The Diocese in Trenton explaining how UPSET I was that the Catholic church is so stingy with their records and how much I adore family search by the MORMONS. How can the church do this to the memory of our Italian and Irish ancestors that came from these coutries and made the catholic church TODAY what it is??? It was non existent in the 1860’s in the USA and the immigrants from Italy, Ireland, Poland, S. America built the faith here and this is how you help it’s generations? It’s a passionate subject for me because the church has not done enough for free research and the Mormons are the BEST in the field and i can’t turn to my own religion…It’s just embarrasing andfrustrating…loe the article and columns..

    • Thanks for visiting, Lisa. Your feelings and concerns about this topic are understandable. One of our authors has an article on this subject in the works. We hope you will find it interesting.

      • On this subject, we have the social and cultural histories of more than 1,000 parishes across the United States, in digital form, complete with color photos and details documenting their congregations from their very beginnings. These will soon go into the Library of Congress as a record of the role of spirituality in American history. Among them are books for congregations established prior to the Colonial Period. Importantly, the digitized books are searchable by keyword (or family name), meaning folks can do a fair amount of ancestral research by parish.

  5. Great info on the plague in the 1600’s in Italy. Maybe you can assign projects and columns to great disasters during the centuries that hae affected our ancestors areas. Maybe display a map with pins that link to your readers famlies in that area?

  6. So glad to find your blog! I hit follow before I read a single word beyond the title 🙂 Really looking forward to reading thru and picking up tips
    Kassie aka “Mom”

  7. Blessings… found your site thru a Google.. very nice! Wishing you a sacred Holy Week… Keri

  8. Antal Strazalkovszky said:

    Hello. I live in Cluj-Napoca , Romania, former Klausenburg,Kolozsvar, Austria-Hungary. I’m also doing genealogical research in my hometown. Maybe you would be interesting in some information from this area, Transilvania. I am a descendant of poles,germans,hungarians,austrians and also roman catholic. Would love to collaborate in any way. Thanks .Best wishes, Antal(Anthony).

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